And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease. - Matthew 10:1
At Healing Encounters, we gather to be equipped and empowered to go out. Through the power of Holy Spirit, Christ-followers transformed into Christ's image can share the Gospel with the signs and wonders that follow: broken hearts restored, blind eyes opened, bodies healed, curses broken, and deliverance from demons. Once trained, Jesus empowered his disciples as they went...the empowering happened as they went out. We're equipping disciples—training and activating—the following areas will help empower disciples as they go.
What does empowering look like?
Encounter (verb): the sending out of believers to confidently do what Christ instructed his disciples to do.
In Luke 9:2, Jesus instructs his disciples to preach the Kingdom then heal the sick. In Luke 10:9, Jesus instructs his disciples to heal the sick and then declare that the Kingdom of God has come. The order doesn't matter—obedience does.
Healing Encounters provides many opportunities to carry on Christ's instructions as disciples. Through our events, believers come to a greater understanding of their authority in Christ, are activated in their particular Spiritual gifts, and—because they see consistent results—are emboldened to use them to share the Gospel.
Intimacy and consistent obedience tune our hearts to join in wherever God is working. It also means work, school, the ball field, grocery store, auto shop, library, bank, you name it, becomes a place where we can facilitate an encounter with the presence of God for those in need of His loving presence and awesome power.
Practical Examples:
First we gather to activate then we scatter to put it into practice daily.
We bring the unsaved and unchurched to Encounter Nights where they can expect to encounter God.
We actively involve ourselves in community outreach such as clinics, hospital visits, school groups, and treasure hunts.
This enthusiasm for God's presence naturally carries over into local churches as believers operate in new levels of boldness, gifting, and power in their church communities.
Monthly Gathering
Believers gather to build their faith and become activated, and confident in their God-given Spiritual gifts so they can carry God's presence into their day-to-day activities.
Community Outreach
We'll be training Christians on how to facilitate encounters with Jesus while serving in community events, hospital visits, school programs, and health clinics. With their faith growing and their confidence developing, they will be empowered to testify of the goodness of Jesus and to pray for healing in His name.
Healing services
While individual appointments are available, we will set aside time for group healing and deliverance on general or specific topics to see breakthroughs in families. Topics may include freedom from family curses, Freemasonry, occult, etc.
discipleship group
Our desire is that every believer is growing in the character of Christ. Community is an essential part of the growth process, therefore we offer growth groups where believers gather to go deeper in their knowledge of God and His ways, foster relationships, build and challenge one another, and develop Christ-like character.
Monthly gatherings: Mon Feb 10 & Feb 24 @7pm
If you are...
Wanting to be a doer of the word
Wanting to be a part of the revival
Wanting God to use you in a meaningful way
Wanting to see God’s power displayed on the earth
Wanting to see the miracles of the Bible (and greater) done today
Wanting more than good theology- wanting good practice
Want to be equipped to fulfill the Great Commission