The Great Commission commands us to GO, but Christians do not feel prepared. We've become followers of Christ, but not disciples. We don't know how to share his gospel with a dying world. We don't know how to move with the Holy Spirit as he rescues others like he rescued us. Being a disciple of Jesus is more than learning the words to say. It's being transformed into the life-giving image of Christ, so you can pour out his presence everywhere you go.
This takes practice. Healing Encounters provides an environment where Christians can put into action the extraordinary things God is teaching them through the equipping of the Holy Spirit.
What does equipping LOOK LIKE?
Equipping (verb): the teaching, training, and readying of believers to do the work of the Kingdom of God.
Training is infused in most everything we do. Each monthly gathering includes a brief teaching, as do our workshops. We offer growth groups for discipleship plus training events for our prayer teams. Additionally, we plan to launch an Equipping Center in the next phase where we will offer classes in physical healing, emotional healing, deliverance, hearing God's voice and communicating his heart, evangelism, and revival.
Monthly Gathering
Monthly "Grow" Group
Healing, Evangelism, and Prophetic Workshops
Prayer Team Trainings
Equipping Center Classes

How To
For prewritten and recorded prayers, download the Prayerful App by Christian Healing Ministries
For a list of prayers to help build your confidence, click here.

How To
Hear God

How To Pray
For Healing

How To Experience

How To Experience
Emotional Healing

How To
Resource: You May All Prophesy
Resource: He Still Speaks

How To
Resource: Living From The Heart Jesus Gave You
Resource: Breakthrough

Book: Discover Discipleship
Book: Rooted
Monthly gatherings:
Mon Feb 10 & Feb 24 @7pm
If you are...
Wanting to be a doer of the word
Wanting to be a part of the revival
Wanting God to use you in a meaningful way
Wanting to see God’s power displayed on the earth
Wanting to see the miracles of the Bible (and greater) done today
Wanting more than good theology- wanting good practice
Want to be equipped to fulfill the Great Commission
Training is provided for individuals who join our prayer or event teams. We want everyone to be equipped and ready to partner with the Holy Spirit in ministering to those in need. These trainings provide the methods, and communicate the heart and values of our ministry to each person who serves with us.
Monthly Gatherings
Each month, we gather to worship, pray for each other, and activate or practice the gifts of the Holy Spirit placed in each of us. This gathering equips and empowers Christians to "go out" into the community carrying the presence of God, fully prepared to share the Gospel and the life-changing presence of God wherever they go.
Growth GrouPs
Are you a believer who hungers for the more of God? Do you want to learn how to pray for the sick? Is your desire to know "what the Father is doing" so you can partner with him? Then Growth Groups are for you! This is where we look at and discuss practical models for prayer, prophetic, and evangelism. This is where we discuss ministry tools, compare notes from our experiences, and trouble shoot real life situations.